guattari’s “next book”


A piece of a sketch [_plan_] – in the style of the Wall of China according to Kafka.


  • Criticism of the last book and response.
  • Self-criticism: Volume I was counter-dependent on constituted ideologies ([Psycho]analysis, Stalino-Trotskyism, etc.).
  • Schizo-analytic method for writing a book about schizo-analysis.  Not claim that the socius and history have to be “rejoined” but start from there ad never lose sight of them.
  • Challenge the theory-ideology opposition.
  • Theory is, or need to be, instrumentalist, functionalist (mathematicians don’ts ponder over the scientificity of a concept).
  • Break with the theory-oeuvre, and arrive at: “to each his own theory.”  Collective assemblages of enunciation produce their own theories by articulating themselves on planes of consistency.  Deadly subject-group theory (= collective assemblage of enunciation) oppose to: immortal theory of the subjected group (= theory’s fantasy). Theory is artifice. Its foundation is what, historically, is most deterritorialized, it works with machinic indices.

Chapter I: The coordinates of schizo-analysis (coordinates of modernity)

a)    History:

  1. Not a historian’s history, the history of everyday life.
  2. Machinic phylum and history.
  3. Relation to history by virtue of its adjacency to machinism.

b)   Science

  1. Not a scientists’s science.
  2. Serres’ triangle: Science-Industry-Strategy (cf. this text 374, others)
  3. Science if politics
  4. Go beyond science/history; science/society, etc., dichotomies

c)    Planes of consistency

  1. Site of the conjunction of all machinism
  2. Opposition between Urstaat-code and plane of consistency-axiomatics
  3. No totalizing synthesis, a deterritorialized production process is a sign-point’s inscription on a plane of consistency.
  4. Improve the articulation of the three systems: a conjunctive synthesis, by producing code surplus-value, articulates connective and disjunctive syntheses.
  5. Theory of the sign-point – writing right onto the real.  Theory of the (mathematical, linguistic, microphysical, political, etc.) double articulation

d)   Time as the conjunction of all machinism (difference coefficients of deterritorialization).

  1. The oeuvre and life – concert a la John Cage. The epitome of desiring solitude and the epitome of the socius.

Chapter II: What will serve as a basis for the construction of schio-analysis?

a)    Militant analysts

  1. Psychoanalytic societies and office practice.  A sorry picture!  Technical assessment of Freudism
  2. Institutional practice: P.H. (psychiatric hospitals), M.P.I. (medico-pedagogical institutes), etc.
  3. Education

b)   Analyst militants

  1. Groupusles.  The Tupamaros.
  2. The I.G.P [Information Group on Prisons].

Chapter III: Schizo-analytical perspectives (on a planetary scale)

  1. Land and power: centralism
  2. Planning.
  3. Treatment of archaisms
  4. The language problem – universality and singularity

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